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4th of July Desserts – Over 60 Ideas To Feed a Crowd

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The 4th of July is a time of celebration, and what better way to celebrate than by bringing out dessert ? If you’re stumped on what to make, take a look at these 60+ red white and blue desserts and you’ll definitely find something you like !

60+ 4th july dessert 1

In this list you’ll find a whole array of desserts, from very simple fruit-based desserts to slightly more complex popping candy ones. You’ve got cheesecakes, cookies, fruit salads, rice krispies, cake pops, galettes, pies, jello, anything you can think of ! Just pick your favorite and recreate it at home. 

Read also: 4th of July Food Recipes 

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4th of July Desserts

This list of easy red white and blue desserts will make celebrations that much better ! Whether you're hosting a small get-together or a big party, you'll find something for every crowd in this list.

From cheesecakes to fruit salads to cookies and even rice krispies, there's something in here for everyone. So take a look at these 60+ red white and blue desserts and get inspired !

Did you find something you like on this list ? Great, I hope you’ll have a blast making dessert and end up with a memorable 4th of July ! Keep in mind that dessert doesn’t have to be just one thing, especially if you’ve got a crowd coming. Sometimes the best mix is a simple dessert with a more complex  and filling one – like a few cake pops and then a large cheesecake or pie.

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