While eating plantains, did you ever see some red color in their middle part? Did you ever wonder why this happens and what is the reason behind this red color? Are you curious to know the reason? If so, then stop right here because we are here to give you answers.
In this article, we are going to discuss everything that you need to know about why plantains turn red.
But first things first, let us know why exactly the plantains turn red and what is the reason behind this change in color.
Why do plantains turn red?
Plantains turn red on the inside due to a fungal disease called Nigrospora. It can infect the plantain in the tropical climate where the bananas are mostly grown.
There are a wide variety of diseases that can make the internal side of the plantain turn red. Due to this discoloration of plantain to red, many people have a misconception that it is because the plantains contain blood. That is not true.
Moreover, various diseases such as Moko and Mokillo may also cause this discoloration.
It’s best to not consume bananas that are red inside.
Do not confuse plantains that are red on the inside with red bananas. Those are a different food item, and have a naturally red skin.
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What happens when you eat plantains that are red inside?
Various diseases are found in the plantains these days. These diseases can make the plantains red from inside. Due to this red color, many people think that its blood inside the plantain, but that isn’t the truth. That’s not blood, that’s a plantain disease.
If you witness any such colors on the banana’s insides, we would advise you to avoid eating it. Although there’s no harm in eating that plantain, it may upset your stomach just knowing it’s not a healthy plantain.
But the disease which makes the plantain red is a fungal disease, and that is why you must avoid eating it because we don’t know how and when any fungus can affect your health.
In conclusion, it is advised to throw away the plantain with red spots or red lines on its internals.
Red bananas are not plantains
You may still be wondering what’s the deal with red bananas, and if they’re not the same as plantains that are red inside. Well, let’s take a look.
Plantains are of the Musa paradisiaca species, while red bananas are Musa acuminata. If that says nothing to you, don’t worry. Bananas (the sweet kind) are a mix of several banana types, including the paradisiaca and acuminata type.
Red bananas are only reddish-purple on the outside, and the inside is cream, with slight pink hues. No red spotting or lines, just a pinkish hue on occasion.
They’re sweet, creamy, and very common in Central and South America, and Asia as well.
On the other hand, plantains are firmer due to the high starch content. They’re only good after cooking, so don’t eat them raw. And they usually have a green or greenish color, never red on the outside.
Plantain FAQ
We’ll try and cover other curiosities about plantains in this section. After all, the red coloring on the inside of plantains may not be the only question you may have. Hopefully you’ll get your answers here.
1. How does a plantain ripen?
Basically, plantains are a type of banana, and they belong to the family of bananas. They totally look like bananas but differ in quality. Actually, the plantains contain more starch and less sugar in comparison to bananas.
That is the reason why they take so long to ripen. Moreover, when fruits undergo a ripening stage, they release gas, that gas is ethylene.
In short, you ripen plantains the same way you ripen bananas, it just takes longer. Due to the high starch content and the way plantains are used, they’re more of a potato than a banana.
2. Why do bananas and plantains look alike?
Plantains and bananas belong to the same genus, called Musa. The bananas we know today are a mix between several species of bananas, including plantains.
Wild bananas are of various types and not all of them are completely edible. Plantains are one of them and are only edible after cooking, due to the high starch and low sugar content.
In short, bananas and plantains look alike because they’re part of the same genus, but slightly different species.
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So, this was all. We hope you got your answer. The red color in plantains is because of some plant diseases. It’s best to steer clear of them.