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How To Store Gooseberries So They Last Longer

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Gooseberries are absolutely delicious, but they can be quite hard to find. So when you do, you might want to buy a bunch and then store them in a way that allows you to enjoy them as long as possible. So just how do you store gooseberries?

store gooseberries

How to store gooseberries

There are four main methods of storing gooseberries: refrigeration, freezing, canning, and drying. Refrigeration will only work short term (about one week), but the other three are more long term.

You can store gooseberries in the freezer for six months, dry for six months, and canned up to a year. Additionally, if you dry the gooseberries and then freeze them, you can keep them for much, much longer.

After you buy your delicious, perfectly ripe gooseberries, it is time to store them. You need to store them properly if you want them to last, and there are a few different options (explained below) that you can do depending on how long you want them to stay good.

Of course, you can just leave them on the counter, but they will probably not last there for more than a day or two. Only leave them out if you will be snacking on them right away.

Read Also:Gooseberries VS Ground Cherries

Storing gooseberries in the fridge

Probably the most common and the easiest way to store gooseberries is in the refrigerator. This will keep them fresh longer than if you leave them on the counter, but you still need to eat them relatively quickly.

If you buy ripe gooseberries and then do not wash them, you can generally store them in a sealed container in the fridge for around a week, and they will stay good. However, as soon as you wash them, their shelf life goes down considerably.

Only wash gooseberries that you can eat in the next two or three days. The extra moisture from washing will make them spoil quicker.

Freezing gooseberries

If you want your gooseberries to last more than a week, you can store them in the freezer. You really have three options when it comes to storing gooseberries in the freezer. First, you can just dry pack them. Lay your gooseberries out on a tray and put them in the freezer for four to eight hours. When they are completely frozen solid, you can put them in a sealed container and store them in the freezer.

frozen gooseberries

Second, you can syrup pack your gooseberries. Put your gooseberries into a freezer-safe container and cover them with simple syrup. Make sure that you leave some room at the top of the container because they will expand. Seal the container tight and put it in the freezer.

Third, you can sugar pack them. For every quart of gooseberries, add 3/4 a cup of sugar and stir until the sugar is dissolved. After the sugar (or most of it) is dissolved, put the fruit into containers with room at the top for expansion and freeze them.

No matter which method you use, frozen gooseberries last up to around six months.

Canning gooseberries

If you want your gooseberries to really last, you should can them. Canned gooseberries last up to a year as long as they remained sealed. While canning may sound like an intimidating process, it really is quite easy, and pretty much anyone can do it.

A canned fruit is just the fruits boiled with sugar, and they’re done within a couple of hours. You can also do this without boiling the fruit; just get the fresh gooseberries in a jar and pour scalding hot sugar syrup over them. There’ a really simple and thorough guide here, and it works for pretty much any fruit.

After you are done canning your gooseberries, just make sure you store the cans in a cool area.

Dried gooseberries

If you do not want to freeze your gooseberries, you can also store them for six months by drying them. Believe it or not, is not that hard to do this at home. All you have to do is steam them for about six to seven minutes, cut them up, and lay them in the sun.

After you have dried them, you can either keep them at room temperature for up to six months or in the freezer indefinitely. If you want to make them soft again, just add a little water.

What are gooseberries?

Gooseberries are a fruit that is often hard to find. Only a select number of grocery stores and specialty farmers carry them. But if you can find them, they are absolutely delicious with tons of vitamins and minerals packed into every berry. They are a very round, small fruit that starts as green but turns a reddish-purple color when ripe.

Gooseberries and currants are very closely related and look very similar, and they even taste very similar.

How do you pick good gooseberries?

The first step to storing gooseberries is to make sure that you buy good ones. If the ones you buy are either too ripe or not ripe enough, you will run into problems no matter how you store them.

A fully grown gooseberry will be between a quarter-inch and half-inch in diameter, perfectly round, and have a reddish-purple color, though there may still be spots of translucent green.

When you touch a ripe (but not overly ripe) gooseberry, it should be firm to the touch, but don’t worry, it will still be plenty juicy. You must avoid gooseberries that feel mushy or mealy because they are overripe and will not be good.

How do you use gooseberries?

So now that you have all that great information about how to store gooseberries, how exactly do you use them? Well, you can just eat them plain because they have great flavor and are really good for you, but you can also cook with them.

You can use them as the perfect addition to many different dishes, or in things like jelly, jam, and salsa. You can even use them to make pies and cocktails!

gooseberries jam

Gooseberries are also a great sauce for gamey meat, so if you’re ever short for cranberries for Thanksgiving, give these a try.

Read Also:Are Berries Fruits ?


Gooseberries are such a great kind of fruit, it is really a shame that they are so hard to find. But that does not have to be a problem for you anymore. When you come across them, go ahead and buy a whole bunch and then use any of the above methods to keep them fresh for quite some time so you can enjoy them even when you can’t find them.

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